Timber Decay Treatment Experts
Wet Rot Problem? Act fast.
Danford Brewer & Ives are wet rot treatment specialists in Leeds, West Yorkshire. A wet rot survey will be carried out by our own PCA Qualified surveyors to ensure the right treatment is applied to the wet rot infected area. We are here to help you by accurately identifying the cause of the wet rot problem as well as recommending the most effective solution to treat the infected area. All our wet rot treatments in Leeds are backed by meaningful long term guarantees giving you complete peace of mind.
Wet Rot is a form of timber decay which grows on porous surfaces with very High Levels of Moisture Content, Commonly From Poor Ventilation Below The Floor, Rising Or Penetrating Damp, Water Leaks Etc.
Wet rot can be a white or brown rot, which does not refer to the colour of the mould, but the shade that the timber turns when affected. Brown rot will darken the wood, and will break in small cracks, whereas white rot lightens the wood and the damage is visible across the grain.
Treating Wet Rot
Once Danford Brewer & Ives have identified the problem to be wet rot, the area will have to be properly ventilated to allow the wood to dry and the root cause of the problem will have to be solved. Any damaged timber will have to be replaced where necessary.
Although treating wet rot can seem very disruptive, it is necessary to rectify the problems to stop it spreading any further and perhaps lasting structural damage. Danford Brewer & Ives provide effective wet rot treatment in a quick and hassle-free way.
Complete the enquiry form below or call us directly to discuss your damp or timber problem. On this call, we will arrange to visit you and survey your property. There is a small fee for the site survey, which will be confirmed on the call. If you proceed with the full works, this fee is refundable against any further works carried out.
One of our qualified team will visit your property at an agreed time and date. We will assess the problem and determine the best solution. Once we understand the root cause of the problem we can creat a suitable plan to fix it. Following the site survey we will provide you with a written report and quotation.
Once you are happy for the works to proceed we will then arrange a convenient time and date with you to carry out the specialist works as per the quotation. Most specialist works are usually completed within a couple of days and involve minimal disruption. Our team will keep you fully up to date on the works progress during this time.
In order for the guarantee to be activated all of the specialist works need to be signed off. A comprehensive checklist will be completed and signed off by both our team & yourself to make sure you are fully satisfied with the works. Following the sign off, where appropriate, the works can be fully guaranteed.
BACKED BY GUARANTEESpecialist works are covered by long term guarantee by independent insurers.
How much is wet rot treatment?
The cost of treatment can vary massively because it depends on the level of treatment and service required from specialists.
They will consider how far wet rot has spread and how long it has had to grow and break down the timber. The more decay there is, the greater the intervention you’ll need.
If wet rot fungus is caught early the costs will be inexpensive, and you can protect against further spread using cost-effective coatings.
If the decay has compromised the integrity of the building structure, then costs might be much higher because timbers will need to be completely removed and replaced.
How does wet rot occur?
Wet rot is caused by fungal spores which, given the right conditions, will begin to break down timber and decay wood.
It is caused by several fungal species, the most common being Coniophora puteana or cellar fungus, which needs high levels of moisture of around 50% to survive, thrive and cause the timber to soften.
The fungal spores that cause wet rot are present in the air, but it tends to grow on porous wooden surface with high moisture content.
That’s why wet rot occurs in damp conditions, and why leaks and drainage issues are the main catalyst within households.
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Does wet rot spread?
Wet rot is a living wood fungus with the potential to spread by using timber as a source of nourishment.
Compared to dry rot, it doesn’t spread nearly as quickly through a household and can remain localised in areas where there are high levels of moisture or damp.
That means wet rot is harder to detect and can slowly eat away at important timbers, causing structural problems within a building.
That’s why it’s important to remove any sources of water that can affect any timbers as part of a wood rot treatment plan that works.
Why does wet rot occur?
Wet rot occurs because of the wood fungus that spreads and eats into the timber.
It is a natural process, often seen as nature’s way of returning wood back to the environment.
In that setting, it decomposes wet wood and provides a means for it to be broken down into the soil.
In the modern world, where timber is used in housing, wet rot isn’t welcome or helpful.
That’s why it’s important to have an effective treatment plan in place to halt decay and protect a building’s structural integrity.
Dunbar Business Centre, Sheepscar Court, Northside Business Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS7 2BB