Timber Decay Treatment Experts
Dry Rot Problem? Act fast.
Danford Brewer & Ives are dry rot treatment specialists in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. A dry rot survey will be carried out by our own PCA Qualified surveyors to ensure the right treatment is applied to the dry rot infected area. We are here to help you by accurately identifying the cause of the dry rot problem as well as recommending the most effective solution to treat the infected area. All our dry rot treatments in Huddersfield are backed by meaningful long term guarantees giving you complete peace of mind.
Dry rot is wood decay caused by low moisture levels within a building, commonly from poor ventilation below the floor, dampness, water leaks etc. The dry rot is a result of wood destroying fungi species that attacks and weakens unprotected timbers that have been affected by damp.
Dry rot is different from wet rot in the sense that it can travel through a building taking its own moisture supply, and can travel between plaster and brick work as well as wood. Dry rot can cause severe damage if it is not treated.
Treating Dry Rot
Treating dry rot can be quite disruptive, as locating the causing source may require floor boards to be taken up or walls to be opened up. All affected timbers will need to be removed and the damp areas will have to be dried out thoroughly.
Whilst these measures are similar to treating wet rot, dry rot treatment often needs more. If any masonry has had contact with the dry rot, they will need treating with chemicals either as a spray or an injection, as will the surrounding timbers.
Although treating both dry and wet rot can seem very disruptive, it is necessary to rectify the problems to stop any further and perhaps lasting damage. Danford Brewer & Ives will strive to make sure the job is completed as quickly and hassle free as possible.
Complete the enquiry form below or call us directly to discuss your damp or timber problem. On this call, we will arrange to visit you and survey your property. There is a small fee for the site survey, which will be confirmed on the call. If you proceed with the full works, this fee is refundable against any further works carried out.
One of our qualified team will visit your property at an agreed time and date. We will assess the problem and determine the best solution. Once we understand the root cause of the problem we can creat a suitable plan to fix it. Following the site survey we will provide you with a written report and quotation.
Once you are happy for the works to proceed we will then arrange a convenient time and date with you to carry out the specialist works as per the quotation. Most specialist works are usually completed within a couple of days and involve minimal disruption. Our team will keep you fully up to date on the works progress during this time.
In order for the guarantee to be activated all of the specialist works need to be signed off. A comprehensive checklist will be completed and signed off by both our team & yourself to make sure you are fully satisfied with the works. Following the sign off, where appropriate, the works can be fully guaranteed.
BACKED BY GUARANTEESpecialist works are covered by long term guarantee by independent insurers.
Dry rot experts
Dry rot experts will be able to rapidly determine which type of wood fungus is affecting your timbers, and they’ll be able to prescribe an effective rotten wood treatment to halt the spread of detrimental spores and fungus throughout your household.
This is important work, if left untreated dry rot spreads through walls and floors. Dry rot experts will attack the underlying causes, drying out wood that is damp or removing areas that are already too far gone and have become unsafe.
Dry rot experts will also be able to provide masonry dry rot treatment to tackle spores that can be transferred within brick or stone walls.
Dry rot early signs
Noticing potential dry rot early is the best way to stop its spread before it causes too much damage. Luckily, there are plenty of early signs when it comes to wood fungus.
Often affected areas might not be visible, as the wood might be hidden away or the dry rot might be spreading under the flooring or behind walls. One of the earliest signs of dry rot is the smell.
Dry rot is caused by a fungus, so more often than not there will be a pungent, mushroom-like smell wafting through your property. This is one of the first indicators that you may need to apply a rotten wood treatment.
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What is dry rot in timber?
Timber is the name given to different types of wood that have been cut and prepared as a construction material for building. Almost all houses and buildings will make use of some form of timber, meaning in damp and wet conditions, most properties are susceptible to dry rot.
Dry rot in the timber will see the wood being eaten through by the fungus, as the spores activate and then devour the material. Dry rot easily spreads from timber to timber if given the correct conditions, and you will need to enact an effective wood rot treatment quickly to counter the spread.
How does dry rot start?
Dry rot starts when it’s given the wet, moist or damp environment that it needs to flourish. Dry rot is a type of wood fungus and its fungal spores are ever-present in the atmosphere, which means that dry rot can start easily.
If an appliance leaks or if you don’t adequately ventilate your house or commercial property, then it’s easy for damp to form and for the wood to become a breeding ground for wood fungus.
Dry rot spores can also be transferred through brick and stone walls, so it can start to take hold after passing through the walls in your home from the outside.
Dunbar Business Centre, Sheepscar Court, Northside Business Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS7 2BB